Sunday, February 22, 2009

1 a.m. Honking

Ok, I was awoken again at 1 a.m. with honking and screaming!! I don't know why I am the only one in my household to wake up, but since I was informed (since last time) that I am supposed to flash my lights, I did so, but by the time I woke up and realized what had woken me up, I didn't have too much time to get to the front of the house and flash lights, but I hope the tail end of the entorage saw it.
Way to go Girl's B-Ball!! Let's hope this happens again in 2 weeks for the Boys!!
If you have no Idea what I am talking about, go to my post in November entitled 2 a.m. Honking

1 comment:

Tracy Cornia said...

I am glad I live out of town!!! Except for this year we went down to State so we hadn't been home to long when they would have had the honk out. I still would have been awake.