Friday, May 20, 2011

Playing catchup

In April, Bryce and Tanner got started on the long and expensive process of straightening their teeth. BRACES

Typical Bryce, he fell asleep reading (by his choice) a science encyclopedia.

My mom with the flowers we gave her for mothers day.

Jason and the boys made me strawberry and chocolate crepes for mothers day breakfast

Putting the metal roof on the cabin (finally)

We have had flooding in woodruff, our culvert over at the cabin was smashed so the water started pooling around the cabin, we pulled the culvert out and that solved the problem for now, but I am a little nervous of what is to come when the weather warms up and the snow in the mountains really starts to melt!

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Robyn said...

braces- wow! getting so grown up. The flowers you gave mom are beautiful. Your mother's day breakfast looks SOOO good! I love that Bryce just reads science encyclopedias- that's awesome! and I hope everything is ok with the cabin-- what more do you have to do?

Unknown said...

How soon do you think the cabin will be finished? I can't wait to see it in July and see the progress you've made. Braces aren't the same as when we were kids, they don't need them as long, but I sure don't envy them (I hated adjustment day!!).